Standby Me

Indeed we can lose all; BUT if we have Allah you HAVEN'T lost ANYTHING..

Life is not how you expecting
It doesn't go as what you want; otherwise
Sometimes it will smashed you down
Sometimes it will shine you bright
It will always there; no matter you're in your way
Don't being hard
Don't rebel vain
It's hurting YOU
And someday you will killed yourself; by putting blame on others
Why should so?
That's YOUR life
Even it's bitter
Even it's hurting
Even it's tearing
That the pieces YOU should go through
Because you have
To complete your puzzle
As it will fit perfectly
How could it not?
The Designer is PERFECT!

Everything you deserve exists with Allah. Seek Allah you will get everything you deserve.

Rains give a smile
A joy that will create beautiful moments

Rains drop heavily
There are discordant cries
Painted the scar 

HIDUP. Bukan hanya untuk menanti hujan reda bersama tangis. HIDUP. Adalah medan juang untuk belajar menari agar terus tersenyum dalam meniti hari.

The true FRIENDSHIP that we always forget

Ketika air mata menitis
Ada rindu pada nyanyia tawa
Ada pahit yang tertelan kelat
Saat bibir mencarik senyuman
Tak kala luka masih berdarah

Tak mudah menyusun langkah
Saat akal tak tahu ke mana untuk melangkah
Saat diri mula hilang arah
Ada DIA untuk beserah
Ada DIA untuk meluah

Melangkah tanpa hentian
Lelah itu kekuatan
Takut itu pengharapan
Hati sedar
Hanya DIA satu satunya 
tempat Bergantung
Ya Rabb..
Standby me
Till my last journey..

Bukanlah disisi TEMAN yang terhebat saat air mata bagai nyanyian luka bagai lakaran yang menemani hari; melainkan DIA Yang Maha SATU.



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