Dont judge a book by its cover?
Dont judge a book by its cover. For true is it relevent or irrelevent?
I was looking towards it. Surprisingly i got shocked fius (tak tau either nak shake head right to the left or nod my head up down) I hold my self. Take a minute (so i have not been the one dat judge the book by its cover. Is not it?) Still i dont get the 'perkaitannya'. So lets see what i get.
[Situation] A gurl was walking pass the boys with her 'daring dress code' without hijab. (canggung tengok gurl wearing hijab with 'baju adik'.)Sgt out of fashion right?:O
Boy A: Perghh minah ni seksa dowh!
Boy B: Cun gak..
Boy C: Tobat x reti solat nih.
Boy D: Boley la..
Boy E: Hape ke peel nyer dia punya peshion! (at the same time was shaking his head)
Gurl: Hey, dont judge the book by its cover la! I walau tak pakai tutup segala, solat tak tinggal tau!
[Qstion: Dont judge the book by its cover] Is it relevant or irrelevant? (Was numb. Tak bley nak shake head right to the left, either nod up to down:-!) Ask urself coz i believe your answer are more relevant than dis 'gurl' statement! (When hearing dat gurl statement, Granny that was sitting beside me pegang her chest. Blood pressure maybe!--')
[Situation] Conversation at wall facebook. Between idol and fans.
Si A: You are not wearing a proper drees. A little tight la.
Si B: Your hijab was not covering your chest enough.
Si C: Hope awak akan lebih hati-hati and teliti after this ya:)
Si D: Try be more careful when to select your hijab ya.
Idol: don't questioning either i was wearing a proper dress or my hijab is good enough to cover my aurat. Dont questioning my intention. Its between me and HIM.
[Qstion: Dont judge the book by its cover] Is it relevent or irrelevent? Actually, when it involves ISLAM, "dont judge the book by its cover" not an issue. Tak de kaitan pun. It just a reminder (saling ingat mengingati,tegur menegur. If they dont love you, they do not concern. Right? Dats the beautiful of brothers and sisters in Islam right:-) Expand your view. Don't look with 'ego views' but with ur pure heart (that was beautifully wrapped with Iman). The remind comes from HIM through them (Tak ada satu benda pun yang berlaku without reason.) So dont bother to satan plans. They love to 'mengapi-apikan' kita sehingga membawa perdebatan yang panjang dan sia-sia. Pesan Hassan al Banna dalam wasiat ke-4 nya, "Janganlah memperbanyakkan perdebatan. Pertengakaran ini semata-mata tak akan mendatangkan kebaikan."
**Teringat pesan 'ummi', "Anakanda, lantaran hidup ini hanyalah sekadar kembara sementara, maka ambillah segenap keindahan setiap perjalanan itu sebagai bekal untuk kekuatan dalam sidang musafir yang jarak dan tempohnya lebih jauh selepas kematian bermula. Ikhlaskan hati tanpa banyak berbahas mahupun bertelingkah. Usah sombong untuk menerima pandangan, jika ia dapat membawa ke jalan yang lurus dan benar. Jangan turuti hati. Adillah pada diri. Bukan menunduk pada amarah dan ego.."
Kadangkala bila diri merasa sentiasa berada dilandasan yang betul, kita tak sedar pun yang kita dah tersasar hampir tersungkur. Namun saatnya ada yang menghulur, dengan lantang tanpa waras kita menepis ego.
~Hidup jangan sesekali mendabik. Biarlah menunduk diam, andai itu mampu membentengkan sang 'riak', menundukkan sang 'ego' dalam mencari sang 'benar'~
[Situation] In library.
A: Beb! Study la. Asal jumpa buku, buku yang baca ko..
B: Dont judge the book by its cover la..(sambil gosok mata)
A: Judge ke mendanya! Tiap kali ko bukak buku, mata terus layu!
B: (Tahan kuap) Bukan tu la! Walau pun aku jarang baca buku and buku yang banyak baca aku, still result gempak.. (kepala kembali jatuh didada buku)
A: (Spontan angguk kepala.) 'Mamat ni dekan every sem kot..
[Qstion: Dont judge the book by its cover] Is it relevent or irrelevent? Nod my head up to down.
[Reason] Maybe at dat time book was reading him. But we never know how high concentration that he give on his lecture, how effort he do in his room. So, absolutely it relevent for not 'judge the book by its cover' on dis situation.
But still i feel weird. Why 'some people' like to say, 'Hey, dont judge the book by its cover lah!' If in case like third situation was logic la kan. But, ape kes dengan first and second situation pulak? Do it is to uphold the wet yarn? Or sidekick of uphold an 'ego'?
Whatever it is...
Actually, the words 'dont judge the book by its cover' with 'teguran' was totally different. So, please, please, please understand the meaning first before you wanna speak up (tak kisah la nak be pro or kontra) becoz you have to 'pay' for your action (in Hisab nanti). And more 'danger' when your action 'membutakan' salahnya si dia (Dia totally tak nampak salah dia and feel comfort sebab ada yang side dia). Is this which is call love? (eg: Norm dalam konteks fans & idol) Reality, you are not love him, but ure the one that destroy him!
So, do research before you wanna fight on it. Make sure you get the real meaning before you wanna put your finger to others. Its not about 'busybody' but its about 'care' as brothers and sisters. Coz we are MUSLIM! :-D
Open your heart. Open your mind. Open your soul. Take the 'teguran' as a remind letter from Allah swt that HE sent through hamba-hambaNYA. Peace-no-fight. Barakallah:-)
~Berdakwahlah didalam kesederhanaan. Kerana itulah benteng pada kekurangaan dan kelebihaan yang boleh melalaikan dan mengalpakan.~
May Allah bless and guide us,
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