A Cliche Word - Me & Stranger = Ukhuwah Fillah
A cliché word dat will give so many definition for different peoples. But will be so meaningful for those `hard people` (meaning, if someone tu found dis words, he gonna up down his head saying silently, "yeah, life was not easy!") So, for those peoples they would really be moved by that words. Oh how cliché! It's?:-X
I was being questioned, "Eh, then ada ke manusia yg tak pernah face the 'hard time'?"
Nod my head. Pandang mata dia. 'Eh!' Then shake my head right to the left.
"What it means?" Konfius face.
Pull a big grin. "Double meaning."
With the big eyes, i got being questioned a same question with a differ reaction.
"Based on logic, x la kan.."
Laju je dia angguk! 'Sangat cliché eh?!'
"But not possible.."
Eyebrow dia dah knitted. "How it can be possible?"
My shoulder spontan terangkat. "Depend on persons."
Shake the head right to the left. "Tak faham."
"If you see the 'hard time' as your test, then it should not be so 'cliché' about dat word.."
"Yeah, people always said.." Dia mengeluh. *As a cliche words, also cliche react. Norm.* :-)
I was looking at the sky. Teringat kat such those words. "Most surely in
the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and
the day....there are sign for a people who understand." [2:164]"
Hard to understand. More hard to make peoples understand. Right?:)
"It's not just a words."
Mata bulatnya tepat mendarat diwajah.
"It's not a comfort words. Same like i already cakap. Yang
membezakan kita adalah the way we take and looked at the matter dat was cross
into our life."
"It doesn't matter how huge the problems. Doesn't matter how hard the problems dat was be given to you. Never being mess-up by it, coz it's not the main question and never can't drive a solution for you."
"Kalau nak ikut, nak timbang and nak sukat, hasilnya of course life was not easy. But still we have to face it. Still we have to swallow it. Hidup tak terhenti disitu even saat kita tunduk mengalah. Dan still 'kepayahan' tu mewarnai hari-hari kita.."
Tears was falling down.
"For sure, life was not easy. But Allah did promise to stay by our side no matter what. So, it depends on you. Which way you gonna choose."
Dia angkat kepala. Spontan."Which way you gonna choose? The hardnest or..?" Pure look.
"I choose my way."
"Even the world reborn, life without tears was impossible. Why not you create the joy from the hardnest when you know HIS promise was true. Just by word "Kun fa yakun"?"
"It's mean, make the tears into smiling. Turn the hardnest into happiness.?"
Senyum. Nod my head. "REDHA"
Pusing badan. "Redha? As simple as like that?"
"Bukankah DIA Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang?" Senyum. "Tidak Aku memberati hambaKU diluar kemampuannya. Dan tidak Aku menginginkan kesusahan buat hambaKU, melainkan hanya kesenangan." [al-Baqarah]
"It's enough prove." Smilling back.
Nod. Mata hilang dibalik mentari yang kian terbenam diufuk barat.
"It doesn't matter how huge the problems. Doesn't matter how hard the problems dat was be given to you. Never being mess-up by it, coz it's not the main question and never can't drive a solution for you."
"Kalau nak ikut, nak timbang and nak sukat, hasilnya of course life was not easy. But still we have to face it. Still we have to swallow it. Hidup tak terhenti disitu even saat kita tunduk mengalah. Dan still 'kepayahan' tu mewarnai hari-hari kita.."
Tears was falling down.
"For sure, life was not easy. But Allah did promise to stay by our side no matter what. So, it depends on you. Which way you gonna choose."
Dia angkat kepala. Spontan."Which way you gonna choose? The hardnest or..?" Pure look.
"I choose my way."
"Even the world reborn, life without tears was impossible. Why not you create the joy from the hardnest when you know HIS promise was true. Just by word "Kun fa yakun"?"
"It's mean, make the tears into smiling. Turn the hardnest into happiness.?"
Senyum. Nod my head. "REDHA"
Pusing badan. "Redha? As simple as like that?"
"Bukankah DIA Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang?" Senyum. "Tidak Aku memberati hambaKU diluar kemampuannya. Dan tidak Aku menginginkan kesusahan buat hambaKU, melainkan hanya kesenangan." [al-Baqarah]
"It's enough prove." Smilling back.
Nod. Mata hilang dibalik mentari yang kian terbenam diufuk barat.
"Look at our surroundings. Ramai yang berbicara kecewa, putus asa, marah. Ada yang tak kurang mempersoalkan takdir. If nak tengok true reality, looked at the facebook walls. Bersepah luahan rasa yang menghiasi. Kadang hal kecik still being issued.."
Nod. "Yeah..sumthin like 'Kenapa dia buat aku macam ni?' 'Apesallah bos aku asyik cari salah aku!', ‘Semalam aku dating dengan “dia” sampai pagi.’ Turning dia punyer head to me. "Kan?"
Again i was smilling with a big grain. "Actually, we don't realise yang kitalah punca 'hard time' tu always surroundings us."
"Sedangkan bila kita buka 'aib' orang, Allah swt akan buka 'aib' kita, apatah lagi kita yang membuka aib kita sendiri.”
Muhammad saw memberi peringatan, Setiap umatku (boleh)
diampunkan kecuali mereka yang mendedahkan (dosanya), ada di kalangan yang
mendedahkan ini, melakukan suatu dosa di waktu malam, berpagi-pagi sedang Allah
menutup keaiban dosa itu, namun tiba-tiba dia mendedahkan seraya berkata
:" Wahai fulan, semalam aku lakukan itu dan ini.." maka terhapuslah
tutupan tuhannya dan jadilah ia membuka (rahmat) Allah yang (sebelum ini)
menutup keaibannya.” [Riwayat Al-Bukhari dan Muslim]
Kepala dipusing pada
raut yang tenang bercampur hairan.
“Why must we turn
down when we feel hopeless and sad, whereas when we happy with joy we never
complain. Jauh sekali nak bersyukur…”
“Aqal yang memimpin
kita. Dengan petunjuk hati yang berIman. Dan disitulah akan menghasilkan benih
yang baik. Sentiasa dekat dengan syukur dan redha. Itulah yang membezakan laku
“But ramai yang pilih
to express their feelings.”
“Tak salah.”
Dahi berkerut. “Hah?”
“Express your
feelings tak salah. But back to basic. The way you choose will lead your step
either to wrong way or truth.”
“Islam itu sederhana.
No more, no less.”
“If you choose to
express your feelings, do it. But, enough in moderately (means yang tidak
membuka aib dan luahan rasa yang keterlaluan. Tak salah berkongsi rasa. Cuma berpada dalam meluah. Bimbang hati lain yang kita guris. Bimbang dalam tawa senyuman kita, ada yang menangis hiba. Bimbang mereka semakin menjauh dariNYA. Walau mereka bukan sesiapa pada kita, dengan batasan dan 'care' towards them itulah jihad kecil kita buat mereka, as saudara seIslam.) The remaining, just between you and
Angguk. “Ouh.. Islam
itu mudah. Tak menyekat. Tapi punya batas.”
Senyum. ‘Alhamdulillah.’
“Ya. Kerana manusia
lahirnya tak sama. You can’t expect others to be like you. And you can’t expect
to be like others. Coz u’re the only one in this world.”
“Lahirnya kita dalam
satu syahadah. Namun takdir kita berbeza. Sesungguhnya DIA Maha Mengetahui apa
yang terbaik buat hamba-hambaNYA…”
Subahanallah. La ilaha illallah.
A words just only words. How impress it, how comfort it was, still can't change your heart. Still you will look the 'hard time' as a pitiful, weakness and problems of you. Why not you back to HIM? Raise your hand, express your feelings, ask the true way. Coz just only with HIM you will find your way.
The words never be wrong. The words never lying you. They just can give you a 'clue'. To drive you into the real way. Because 'Guidance' is not the same as the words (You may move on by the words. But it can't guarantee you to solve your 'pain'.) Guidance is a desperate request from Allah swt. It does not be in you, when you do not seek for it. Guidance comes with begging Allah swt sincerely..
A words just only words. How impress it, how comfort it was, still can't change your heart. Still you will look the 'hard time' as a pitiful, weakness and problems of you. Why not you back to HIM? Raise your hand, express your feelings, ask the true way. Coz just only with HIM you will find your way.
The words never be wrong. The words never lying you. They just can give you a 'clue'. To drive you into the real way. Because 'Guidance' is not the same as the words (You may move on by the words. But it can't guarantee you to solve your 'pain'.) Guidance is a desperate request from Allah swt. It does not be in you, when you do not seek for it. Guidance comes with begging Allah swt sincerely..
#Note: Written on Perbualan jalanan.
Sometimes the stranger are truly friends. They awakening us from a dream into complacency. May Allah bless.
August 2012 –nk
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