The Roses
Kepala tergeleng tanpa sedar. 'Aina, Aina...!'
"Subahanallah..." Mulut terbentuk separa oval.
"How much the roses?" Lelaki berkulit putih dengan rambut putih yang diikat kuda dipandang penuh teruja.
"Do you love it much miss?" Senyuman yang tergarit tetap berseri walau liar jambangnya kelihatan berserabut.
Tangkai ros merah selamat ditangan. Mata terpejam erat menikmati wangian segar milik sang bunga.
Tingkah Aina mengundang gelengan kepalanya buat kedua kalinya. "Yes, she love it much." Bibir menlontar senyum pada sang pemilik gerai yang ralit memerhati tingkah sang sahabat.
"Her eyes told it..."
Pandangan kembali berlabuh diwajah Aina. Kenangan dua tahun lepas kembali berputar dikotak memori...
"Kenapa Roses?"
Tiada patah bicara yang kedengaran. Hanya garitan senyuman yang terpahat indah menghiasi bibir. Leka dengan bunga Ros yang mengelilingi.
"Catchy of love-story-watermark?" Sengih.
Gelak halus pecah. "Enough with the karat-jiwang-air lorr..." Geleng kepala.
"No specific reason. As we're born, we crawl, we toddlers, we walk, we heard, we watch then we learn."
Dahi berkerut.
"We don't plan to do it, but we did it."
Kepala mula terangguk. 'Yes. We don't plan it. But we do it!'
"The roses goes as same as others flowers. Blossom. Fragrant. Colourful.But it's become special because of his thorn."
Wajah Aina dipandang ralit. Bias kata yang menarik akal.
"As we are..." In dikalih pandang. "Muslim. Same colour. Same hair. But the 'Amal' distinguishes us. A real Muslim or just descent."
Nafas ditarik lambat. Memberi ruang udara pada akal yang seakan lemas. Chock with own-self.
Bahu In ditepuk lembut. "Define doesn't mean boys and gurls. Sugar and salt. Moon and stars. It's mean, how deep you seeing, the deeper you know your Rabb.."
"Look at the sky. Everything was standing by their own-self. The cloud. The sun. The moon. The star. They never fall. They never slanting. Even the thousands of times you see it."
"The sky. You will feels HIS Greatness.As your heart falling for it. You will never bow your head. You will never wish to closed your eyes when the tears started down your cheeks.Is it not enough to prove?"
Do they see nothing in the government of the heavens and the earth and all that Allah hath created? (Do they not see) that it may well be that their terms is nigh drawing to an end? [Al-A'raf:185]
"When i look at the roses not because of his blossom. Also not because of his fragrant. As i look at the roses, my eyes closed. My heart was whispering how grateful i am (Alhamdulillah Ya Allah) was born as woman.."
Lovely. Miracle.
"Can i have a bouquet of this roses?"
Suara ceria yang terlontar halus mematikan layar semalam.
"My pleasure beautiful lady.." Senyuman lebar tersungging penuh dibibir.
"How much sir?" Tangan laju menyelongkar duffel bag dibahu.
"Pardon me beauty lady.."
"How much?" Jari telunjuk tepat di sejambak bunga dalam genggaman old white man. The stall owners.
The bouquet of the roses digenggaman dipandang dengan senyuman lebar. "It's very costly."
"Huh?" Dua kepala tegak. In telan liur. Purse ditangan dijeling sekilas.
"Is not it?"
"Err..actually sir, usually.."
"Muslim peoples always say, the nature of a woman is like a rose."
Dua pasang mata membulat.
"Maybe because of his thorn? Or his gorgeous colourful? Or because his fragrant intensity?"
"Don't you agree with me beutiful lady?" Wajah In yang bertukar cahaya dipandang tepat.
Bibir mengukir senyum. "Don't jump on me so faster.." Aina yang tenang tak beriak dikalih pandang.
"Can i go on?"
"Feel free to.." Tranquil.
"I heard so many idea in define the roses with the women. As i heard it much, my head full with irons in the fire."
Anak mata mencari reaksi dikedua-dua wajah gadis muda yang tegak berdiri dihadapannya.
"Just my question is..."
"If the roses reflects the Muslim women self-esteem, why they just same as a burger that sold in the streets? Instead,they are no differences with non-Muslims right?"
"You got the point." Smiling.
Aina yang bersuara tenang dengan senyuman dikalih pandang. Kerut didahi mula kelihatan.
"Yes bravo lady." Masih setia mengukir senyuman.
"The truth still the true." Smiling. Tranquil. "But the surface doesn't same as the basis if you just viewing from the top without dive down to the basis. It is insufficient to acknowledged your define."
Kepala yang memutih kelihatan naik turun.
"Looked at the roses. Although they are a roses, one family. They still different. The colours. The shape. The blossom. The fragrant. Was totally different."
"It's not enough to extinguish the fire that burn in your head?" Snigger.
Kepala diangguk berulang kali dengan iringan ketawa. "You're deserved to be like a roses..."
Kening Kiri spontan terangkat tinggi.
"All the things around the world had their define. It doesn't matter. But the way you come-up with your define, describe how deep you know your Creator. No words. No acting. No pretending. It pictured on your face as your sincerity heart shining bright.."
Clam up. Numb. Mute.
"Here." Dua jambak bunga ros dihulur. "Sincerity giving from new converts."
"Subahanallah. Alhamdulillah."
Allah Almighty. Ashaduallah ilahaillallah wa ashaduanna muhammadurrosullah. Welcome to our family. Alhamdulillah. Praise be to Allah s.w.t.
Lovely. Miracle.
Some He hath guided: Others have (by their choice) deserved the loss of their way; in that they took the evil ones, in preference to Allah, for their friends and protectors, and think that they receive guidance. [Al-A'raf:30]
~Sometimes the deeper you are in, the far you place yourself. Sometimes the strangers are truly your family. It still walk away. As clock never stopped for a moment~
0906 April 2012–nk
*irons in the fire-Persoalan
Kepala tergeleng tanpa sedar. 'Aina, Aina...!'
"Subahanallah..." Mulut terbentuk separa oval.
"How much the roses?" Lelaki berkulit putih dengan rambut putih yang diikat kuda dipandang penuh teruja.
"Do you love it much miss?" Senyuman yang tergarit tetap berseri walau liar jambangnya kelihatan berserabut.
Tangkai ros merah selamat ditangan. Mata terpejam erat menikmati wangian segar milik sang bunga.
Tingkah Aina mengundang gelengan kepalanya buat kedua kalinya. "Yes, she love it much." Bibir menlontar senyum pada sang pemilik gerai yang ralit memerhati tingkah sang sahabat.
"Her eyes told it..."
Pandangan kembali berlabuh diwajah Aina. Kenangan dua tahun lepas kembali berputar dikotak memori...
"Kenapa Roses?"
Tiada patah bicara yang kedengaran. Hanya garitan senyuman yang terpahat indah menghiasi bibir. Leka dengan bunga Ros yang mengelilingi.
"Catchy of love-story-watermark?" Sengih.
Gelak halus pecah. "Enough with the karat-jiwang-air lorr..." Geleng kepala.
"No specific reason. As we're born, we crawl, we toddlers, we walk, we heard, we watch then we learn."
Dahi berkerut.
"We don't plan to do it, but we did it."
Kepala mula terangguk. 'Yes. We don't plan it. But we do it!'
"The roses goes as same as others flowers. Blossom. Fragrant. Colourful.But it's become special because of his thorn."
Wajah Aina dipandang ralit. Bias kata yang menarik akal.
"As we are..." In dikalih pandang. "Muslim. Same colour. Same hair. But the 'Amal' distinguishes us. A real Muslim or just descent."
Nafas ditarik lambat. Memberi ruang udara pada akal yang seakan lemas. Chock with own-self.
Bahu In ditepuk lembut. "Define doesn't mean boys and gurls. Sugar and salt. Moon and stars. It's mean, how deep you seeing, the deeper you know your Rabb.."
"Look at the sky. Everything was standing by their own-self. The cloud. The sun. The moon. The star. They never fall. They never slanting. Even the thousands of times you see it."
"The sky. You will feels HIS Greatness.As your heart falling for it. You will never bow your head. You will never wish to closed your eyes when the tears started down your cheeks.Is it not enough to prove?"
Do they see nothing in the government of the heavens and the earth and all that Allah hath created? (Do they not see) that it may well be that their terms is nigh drawing to an end? [Al-A'raf:185]
"When i look at the roses not because of his blossom. Also not because of his fragrant. As i look at the roses, my eyes closed. My heart was whispering how grateful i am (Alhamdulillah Ya Allah) was born as woman.."
Lovely. Miracle.
"Can i have a bouquet of this roses?"
Suara ceria yang terlontar halus mematikan layar semalam.
"My pleasure beautiful lady.." Senyuman lebar tersungging penuh dibibir.
"How much sir?" Tangan laju menyelongkar duffel bag dibahu.
"Pardon me beauty lady.."
"How much?" Jari telunjuk tepat di sejambak bunga dalam genggaman old white man. The stall owners.
The bouquet of the roses digenggaman dipandang dengan senyuman lebar. "It's very costly."
"Huh?" Dua kepala tegak. In telan liur. Purse ditangan dijeling sekilas.
"Is not it?"
"Err..actually sir, usually.."
"Muslim peoples always say, the nature of a woman is like a rose."
Dua pasang mata membulat.
"Maybe because of his thorn? Or his gorgeous colourful? Or because his fragrant intensity?"
"Don't you agree with me beutiful lady?" Wajah In yang bertukar cahaya dipandang tepat.
Bibir mengukir senyum. "Don't jump on me so faster.." Aina yang tenang tak beriak dikalih pandang.
"Can i go on?"
"Feel free to.." Tranquil.
"I heard so many idea in define the roses with the women. As i heard it much, my head full with irons in the fire."
Anak mata mencari reaksi dikedua-dua wajah gadis muda yang tegak berdiri dihadapannya.
"Just my question is..."
"If the roses reflects the Muslim women self-esteem, why they just same as a burger that sold in the streets? Instead,they are no differences with non-Muslims right?"
"You got the point." Smiling.
Aina yang bersuara tenang dengan senyuman dikalih pandang. Kerut didahi mula kelihatan.
"Yes bravo lady." Masih setia mengukir senyuman.
"The truth still the true." Smiling. Tranquil. "But the surface doesn't same as the basis if you just viewing from the top without dive down to the basis. It is insufficient to acknowledged your define."
Kepala yang memutih kelihatan naik turun.
"Looked at the roses. Although they are a roses, one family. They still different. The colours. The shape. The blossom. The fragrant. Was totally different."
"It's not enough to extinguish the fire that burn in your head?" Snigger.
Kepala diangguk berulang kali dengan iringan ketawa. "You're deserved to be like a roses..."
Kening Kiri spontan terangkat tinggi.
"All the things around the world had their define. It doesn't matter. But the way you come-up with your define, describe how deep you know your Creator. No words. No acting. No pretending. It pictured on your face as your sincerity heart shining bright.."
Clam up. Numb. Mute.
"Here." Dua jambak bunga ros dihulur. "Sincerity giving from new converts."
"Subahanallah. Alhamdulillah."
Allah Almighty. Ashaduallah ilahaillallah wa ashaduanna muhammadurrosullah. Welcome to our family. Alhamdulillah. Praise be to Allah s.w.t.
Lovely. Miracle.
Some He hath guided: Others have (by their choice) deserved the loss of their way; in that they took the evil ones, in preference to Allah, for their friends and protectors, and think that they receive guidance. [Al-A'raf:30]
~Sometimes the deeper you are in, the far you place yourself. Sometimes the strangers are truly your family. It still walk away. As clock never stopped for a moment~
0906 April 2012–nk
*irons in the fire-Persoalan
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